With an established and very successful Aged Care facility in the heart of Malvern, an additional retirement living development of 31 apartments was planned to provide style, comfort and peace of mind for ageing local residents.


mecwacare are a reputable, well-known operator in the Aged Care sector. In deciding to develop Retirement Living next to their Aged Care facility in Malvern, they engaged Amicum to expand their knowledge and expertise to assist in progressing their ideas to a successful outcome


Amicum were engaged early in the project and worked closely with management through every step of the sales and marketing journey. Through a strategically oriented marketing campaign, exposure in the market was successful despite an abundance of residential developments throughout Malvern and a challenging property market. Pricing the development to consider the secondary market of residential, high-end apartments was a significant factor to ensure that these apartments were competitive. The Amicum team offers broad experience within the Retirement Living industry, which allows them to approach each project uniquely and offer personalised solutions suitable to the site and target demographic.


A number of apartments have been sold off the plan, including a penthouse suite, prior to first soil being turned on the site. A large database has been established, with a number of engaged buyers likely to commit pending construction commencing in Spring.