Amicum were asked to assist the village to recover from the Covid disruptor late in 2020. This is the type of challenge that defines Amicum and our application of process aligned to KPI’s guided the village out of the pandemic lead malaise and back to buoyant sales.

Pascoe Vale Gardens Homepage


During 2020, following a difficult year dominated by Covid, the team at Pascoe Vale Gardens experienced a downturn in enquiry which resulted in unexpectedly slow sales of units. Despite the village being well maintained and aesthetically pleasing to the eye, the village just couldn’t get traction in the new emerging Covid dominated era. The resultant was a growing list of empty units and a contraction in the underlying asset value base.


Amicum approached Pascoe Vale Gardens during the latter half of 2020 with several fresh initiatives, including a major review of their sales and marketing strategies. Two key findings identified was that village staff were conducting sales, and the village did not have a CRM platform. As a result of our review, the following key initiatives were implemented in November of 2020.

  • Amicum’s sales team joined forces with PVG’s on-site staff
  • A new CRM was implemented, designed to keep in regular contact with clients, their requirements for purchasing, and also to invite them to upcoming social functions to include them in the Village’s community
  • Rather than marketing the entire development, Amicum focused on marketing individual units and developed online marketing strategies in order to increase enquiry
  • Amicum worked together with staff to hold functions for the PVG community to refresh the village’s overall brand and perception


In the 16 months Amicum have operated from the village, we have generated 21 sales with an average increase in price of 11%. We work collaboratively with the village management and marketing team and together we have reframed the villages sales and marketing platform.