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Celebrating the Successful Sale of a Retirement Village and how our Expertise made all the Difference
Has confidence in the sector fallen due to over-policing? Are standards for aged care becoming so unrealistic that they are inadvertently hurting the mum and dad businesses? In this edition we explore 2019 aged care policies and how they relate to the market!
Taking a tougher stance with aged care - how has standard 4.4 changed? Is your building still meeting the accreditation standards? In this edition we will be exploring the changes in the market and how it affects you!
Vendors - so what proceeds do they actually keep from a sale? How are age care facilities valued? In this edition we will be Kicking off 2019 with a brief update on the industry, economy and a be giving a few insights about the year to come!
What a 6 months it has been! Scathing reports in the media? How has the Royal Commission been involved? In this edition we will be exploring the huge industry and market changes that have taken place in the last half of the calendar year.
CooperNewman has Rebranded to Amicum! Going Concern vs. Asset sales - how are you getting the best bang for your buck? Aged care stocks going crazy - but what is worth investing in? In this edition we will be reviewing the action packed months following our last article.
Well it’s certainly been another interesting half year in Aged Care! The almost frenetic pace of acquisitions in the previous 24 months has slowed down somewhat with the publicly listed companies consolidating their recent acquisitions. The first event where we noticed this change was the news release of the Kennedy Acquisition by Estia Health in New South Wales.
Another six months have passed since our last edition and again the sector has seen a lot of activity during this period.
Here we are in late 2015 and it is time again for a brief update on the industry. The aged care sector has continued to strengthen this year on the back of a very active 2014.